at Thrillzone
The Tiaki Promise
The Tiaki Promise is a commitment for everyone, locals and visitors, to care for New Zealand, for now, and for our future.
As a Kiwi-owned and operated business we and many other New Zealanders, as well as visitors from around the world have a special connection to the land.
The Tiaki Promise helps visitors travel safely and conscientiously by having guiding principles for everyone to follow, showing them how to contribute to preserving and protecting our home.
Nau mai, haere mai ki Aotearoa. Welcome to New Zealand.

Wakatipu Reforestation Trust
Their vision: The protection and restoration of the native biodiversity of the Wakatipu Basin through revegetation projects, collaboration, education and advocacy.
Thrillzone’s team volunteers regularly in the Jean Maples nursery to help the Wakatipu reforestation trust to achieve their vision and to restore the native biodiversity of the Wakatipu Basin. As well as sponsoring vouchers of different community events to help them and other community organizations to attract more volunteers.
Visit their website for more information about their amazing work! Here
"Reduce - Reuse - Recycle"
Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations. When we think of recycling, we think about the whole idea; reduce, reuse and recycle.
We at Thrillzone are committed to recycling all the waste that we produce and as well as we encourage all our customers to recycle any waste that they produce by providing recycling bins.
Let’s reduce, reuse and recycle together!
Mo to tatou heke mai Aotearoa! For our future New Zealand!

Meridian - 100% renewable energy
Thrillzone decided to choose Meridian as an energy provider, as all the electricity they generate comes from 100% renewable sources - wind, water and sun.
We at Thrillzone believe that renewable energy is an important part of the future of our planet.
'Good for people and the planet'
Meridian is proud to support the Department of Conservation Kākāpō Recovery Programme, create opportunities for young Kiwis with KidsCan, and back grassroots community projects with our Power Up fund. Means supplier for sustainable, renewable energy.
Kiwi Birdlife Park - Queenstown
Queenstown ‘Kiwi Birdlife Park’ is a family-owned and operated wildlife center that is dedicated to saving New Zealand's endangered wildlife species.
Since they opened in 1986 the center became home to over 100 native birds and reptiles, all of the species are part of managed conservation programs through the Department of Conservation.
Thrillzone has been a close partner of Kiwi Bird Life for years, Kiwi Birdlife is one of our partners of our Putt’n Glow, where we promote their work and encourage customers to go and visit them as they are 100% visitor funded.